"Robo Ramadan," organized by the IT Club and EME Innovation Hub, was an exciting day of creativity and fun. Thanks to all participants and supporters. Looking forward to more events!
BATU hosted and supervised a lively Children's Day celebration, featuring welcome speeches, entertaining games, dance and music performances, recreational competitions, and a puppet theater.
We organized the first edition of the Ibdaa Hackathon, bringing together talented individuals from all branches, departments, and specialties of Ibdaa. It was a platform for creativity and innovation, uniting the diverse talents within the organization.
The Information Technology Club is a community of technology enthusiasts who share their passion for information technology and programming. We provide a platform for learning, networking, and staying updated with the latest trends in the world of technology.
Supervisor: Dr. Osama Al Nahhas
This committee focuses on technical support and everything related to technology, including mobile, desktop, and web applications.
This committee is responsible for organizing events by making necessary arrangements before or during the event, supervising attendees, and ensuring smooth coordination.
This committee supervises members through periodic evaluations, monitors active members, conducts interviews, and oversees deadlines.
This committee focuses on research and development, generating ideas, and following a sustainability approach.
The Information Technology Club is a community of technology enthusiasts who share their passion for information technology and programming. We provide a platform for learning, networking, and staying updated with the latest trends in the world of technology.
Our club fosters community engagement by providing opportunities for members to collaborate, learn, and grow together.
We offer a robust learning platform where members can enhance their skills in information technology and programming.
Our club provides networking opportunities for members to connect with industry professionals and like-minded individuals.
We offer modern labs and educational experiences to provide members with hands-on learning opportunities.
We provide opportunities for self-development and skill enhancement to help our members grow personally and professionally.
Celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, IT Club organized a successful Iftar gathering with the sponsorship and presence of Dr. Osama El Nahas, Head of the Information Technology Department.
Special thanks to Dr. Mohamed El Shazly, Ms. Amani El Deeb, Mr. Ahmed Sultan, and Mr. Al-Fayoumi for their attendance.
For the first time, IT Club organized the Robot Programming Rally competition under the sponsorship of Jupiter Academy and in partnership with EME Innovation Hub - BORG and Media Company.
Special thanks to E-JUST Robotics Club and Made In Alexandria (M.I.A) for their collaboration in organizing the competition.
IT Club organized successful visits to the second and third neighborhood schools of the University of Burg El Arab. The day was filled with exciting activities, including educational lectures, interactive workshops, and fun games.
Special thanks to Dr. Osama El Nahas for his commitment to enhancing knowledge and skills among students.
IT Club organized the first IT exhibition at the university. The exhibition showcased innovative projects created by students in various IT fields.
For more details and project demonstrations, please visit the exhibition's website.
The includes an exhibition showcasing student projects related to the Internet of Things
تطبيق خاص للانتخابات تم تصميمه وتطويره بواسطة IT Club.
It contains morning and evening remembrances with the ability to download the Holy Quran
Design and development of a fabric-based wearable smart shirt for epilepsy patients.
Provides all lectures and courses
display exam results for students of BATU
This exhibition features innovative projects by first and second-year IT students, covering software development, networking, and AI.